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Gudrun Walther (vocals, fiddle, diatonic accordion)

Gudrun is one of Germany’s most sought-after and well-respected trad musicians. Be it German traditional music or Irish trad, Gudrun is equally at home in both as she grew up playing Irish and German trad in a musical family. With her band “Cara“ she tours Europe and the USA on a regular base and has won two Irish Music Awards: 

“Best New Irish Artist“ 2009 und “Top Group“ 2010. 

She is also much in demand as studio and guest musician and has worked with various bands and orchestras as well as producing music for radio and television. German folk magazine “Folker“ wrote “certainly the best fiddler on scene“

“Gudrun Walther could certainly hold her own in any Irish musical setting." 

(Dirty Linen Magazine, USA)


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